Friday, November 20, 2009

First Dr's appt

November 20, 2009---We had our first Dr's appointment today. We got there at 9:08 (appt at 9:10) and didn't go back until 10:00. I first met this bubbly lady who said we were checking to see how many babies we were having. I told her we hoped there was just one. =) Then I had to pee in a cup. They put us in another waiting room for the ultra sound. We got to see and hear the heart beat. It was so neat. It was amazing that something so small could have a heart beat which was even smaller. The heart beat was at 112 which she said was normal but slow (she then said that people say that means boy). She printed out some pics for us. We met with one of the doctors who went over everything from the ultra sound and discussed the next visit. My due date is July 14. They said they could get a better due date on the next appt which is Dec 22. I asked them to get as close to Christmas as they could since we are planning on telling our parents then. So we just want to make sure everything is ok before.

It's a little more real now, I guess.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Bet you never thought you'd hear this...

I found out Sunday that I am pregnant. I go to the doctor on Friday to find out "for sure" and how far along I am. We were suprised but not shocked. I have been off my birth control pills since July and have had my period every month since (last month was very light and nothing like it usually is, but it at least showed up so I thought nothing of it) but when the nausea hit me like a ton of bricks on Sunday, I took a test just to see and sure was positive. Since then, I have barely been able to eat. I haven't thrown up but just been extremely nauseated and tired. I'm not sleeping good (sick and my mind going in circles) which doesn't help with being tired. So, I'm already losing sleep....go figure! The one thing I didn't want to do (lose sleep) is already happening...and I still have a LONG way to go.

We are excited though. I don't think it's sunk in yet...not quite sure when it will. We are waiting to tell our parents. We have told work just because of doctors appointments and because I've been sick. The internet thinks I'm around 7 to 8 weeks so 12 weeks will be around Christmas so we're going to try to save the news until then...we'll see. I'm horrible at keeping secrets. =)