Saturday, May 14, 2011

Picture Update

Learning to feed myself is a mess!

At the park

trying to decide what to wear

loving on my daddy

9 months old! Silly girl

9-10 months

For some reason, I've been dying for Kara to become mobile...trying to figure out what the heck I was thinking!! She started crawling, by huge surprise to us, on May, 12, 2011. We thought she would skip crawling and go straight to walking as she showed no interest in crawling. Every time we would put her on her knees, she would roll over to her belly. All she wanted to do was stand up. But all of a sudden, I was cooking dinner (yes, you read that correctly) and Scott was sitting in the floor with her, a cup rolled too far out of her reach and she went from a sitting position to her knees and just pulled herself across the floor. We both just sat there with our mouths open. She's not really crawling a lot but she's getting around. She likes crawling better in her room where there is carpet. She doesn't really like the hardwoods.