Wednesday, June 15, 2011

11 months old

Where has the past year gone??? It is flying by. I am already planning Kara's first birthday. I even mailed the invitations yesterday....I just can't believe it. Can't believe that this time last year there was a little girl swimming around in my I have a big girl here who is growing up way too fast. WOW!

She loves to eat. She will eat just about anything we give her. I can't think of anything that she doesn't like. Her fav is macaroni & cheese. If she has any macaroni on her plate, she eats it first and then eats everything else.

She is pulling up and standing in her crib now. So getting her to go to bed at night has started to become a task. But once she lays down she is a snoozer like her momma. We don't hear a peep from her until she wakes up in the morning. She likes to sleep up on her knees with her butt up in the air. Doesn't seem very comfortable but whatever!

Beach trip

Kara went on her first beach trip and she loved it! She's gonna be a little fish. Loved the pool and loved the ocean. Scott put her down in the waves and she would jump up and down when he would stand up. We also went to the aquarium, built a doggie at Build-a-bear and then rode the carousel. She enjoyed it all!

riding the carousel with daddy

at the aquarium with momma & daddy

swimming is fun!!

I love the water!

splish splash