Saturday, April 2, 2011

July 12, 2010

What a wonderful day! Kara decided to be quick and after 9 hours of labor she was here. My contractions started while we were at dinner around 7:30 and at 4:26 the next morning she was here. Not to say we didn't have quite an adventure for those 9 hours but everyone has their own story.

While we were at dinner, I started to have contractions. We were with Rusty & Catherine and Rusty noticed that I kept hitting the button on my phone to check the time, every 5 minutes or so. He asked if I was ok and said that my face was showing that I was not ok. So after timing contractions for 45 minutes we decided to head to the hospital. Oh, did I mention it was monsooning outside? Yes, it was POURING down rain so we had to figure out how to get the car to the door for me to get to the car. Anyway, we get to the hospital and I was dialated to a 4 (which I had been for 4 days already). They put me in triage and called the dr. He told me to go home and go to my appt the next day. So they discharged me and sent me home. Before we even got home, I had Scott call my brother who was coming to stay with the dogs and have him come to our house as I knew we would be going back to the hospital SOON. By the time Brandon got to our house, it was 10:30 so we left for the hospital again. Forgot to tell you....I was doubled over in pain by the time Brandon got there...literally laying on my knees in front of the couch. We head back to the hospital. When I got back, the triage nurse was standing at the counter and she said "Oh, you're back? You look like you're in more pain this time." REALLY??? You think??!! So we go back to traige, she checks me and I'm dialated to a 7. Who whoo!!! She's coming today!! By the time they got me into a delivery room, I was dialated to an 8 and they gave me the epidural. Let's just say I was feeling GOOD by then! The epidural gave me the shakes though. It looked like I was freezing....just uncontrollable shaking. Scott kept asking if I was ok but the nurse told him that it was normal to get the shakes. After the epidural the dr came in and broke my water and within an hour I was pushing. I pushed for 20 minutes, the dr came in and she was out in 2 more pushes. It was quite an amazing experience. The dr was wearing glasses so I could see everything that was happening in the reflection of his lenses. Scott got to cut the cord. He tried to video the delivery but they wouldn't let him. I have to say it was quite and amazing experience that I will never least the hopsital made it eventful for me so it will be hard to forget.

Kara arrived weighing 7 pounds 8 ounces and 20.5 inches long. I don't remember much of being in the hospital. I was looking at the hospital pics the other day and there were pics of her crying and I asked Scott, "did she cry at the hospital?" and he said "you must have been on some good drugs". haha We spent 3 days in the hospital and then brought her home to meet Bax & Fiona. They were so excited and have been exceptionably wonderful with her.

It's been a while.....a LONG while!

This is her favorite toy right now. She is scooting backwards. She goes real fast once she gets on the hardwoods. Slides everywhere! She started on the rug, about where Baxter is sitting and ended up in the corner. Then she started yelling cause she couldn't get out of the corner. This is Kara & her bestie Linley. Linley is Rusty & Catherine Wise's daughter. They are 10 weeks apart.

So as you can see I started this blog a long time ago with the intention of keeping up with it and sharing updates. Since my last post was over a year ago and Kara is finally here, it seems I have been a little slack. My husband has decided that we need to keep up with the blog, ie: I'm going to have to keep up with the updates. =) I guess it is a good way to keep our family updated or to share pics. Lord knows we take enough. Anyway...Kara is 2 weeks shy of 9 months old. She LOVES to stand. I don't think she will ever crawl because she hates to be on her belly. If you try to sit her down, she buckles her legs and wants to stand. She especially loves that Baxter runs up and jumps up to kiss her when she's stand. Baxter always knows how to make her laugh. He was actually the first one to get her to laugh. Scott & I tried & tried...Baxter sneezed one night and Kara just giggled. Needless to say, Scott & I will do just about anything to get her to laugh cause it's just the most precious giggle in the world. She started to clap the other day. Real claps. She was clapping the back of one hand but she's got them both turned the right way now. She loves to wave...waves bye to Bax & Nona every morning when we leave. Kara has started to eat table food. She loves to eat. There is really nothing that we've given her that she has refused. You can tell that by her belly. ;) She's had real chicken, turkey, green beans, carrots, cantelope, and peas. And she LOVES cold water. She's starting to switch over from bottles to sippy cups. I would love when she has switched over fully and I don't have to wash bottles anymore. That will be nice.